

Read about our DNN modules and themes

What’s new in EasyDNN Maps 5.0

EasyDNN Maps is an advanced Google Maps solution for DNN. The main functionalities include the creation of maps with markers, categories for markers, directions, Street View, store locator, and integration with posts from the EasyDNN News module. In the new module version, we have improved the module and added two new significant functionalities: creating routes; and import/export functionality for markers, categories, and routes.

DNN 9.2 Compatible Versions of Our Modules and Themes

DNN 9.2 brings a lot of breaking changes and old versions of our modules will not work with it. In DNN 9.2 more than 500 API methods are removed, while jQuery, NewtonSoft, Sharpziplib, Client Dependency, etc. are updated. We’ve completed adjusting and testing our modules with the latest version of DNN. All our modules and themes are now compatible with DNN 9.2. At the same time, we preserved backward compatibility to DNN 6.2.

How to Get Most Out of EasyDNN News Module

EasyDNN News is a leading article publishing solution for DNN. It is used for blogs, articles, events, and all kinds of posts. Users of this module are familiar with the wide range of options and possibilities that this module has to offer. However, the functionality of the module can be additionally expanded by our other four modules: the EasyDNN Gallery, EasyDNN Rotator, EasyDNN MailChimp Plus and EasyDNN Maps. Integrated with the EasyDNN News module these modules will enable more advanced gallery management and more attractive gallery displays in articles, displaying blogs, articles, and events in attractive sliders, generating and sending newsletters with newly published articles to subscribers, and displaying location markers from articles on Google maps. 

EasyDNN MAPS: Google Maps for DNN

If your business depends on your location and your users coming to see you, you have to make sure they can easily find you. The most common solution for this problem is Google Maps. They are free and easy to add to your webpage, but if you want a customized map that will stand out from the crowd with its functionalities and appearance, things become more complicated. This is why we have developed the EasyDNN Maps module that provides DNN webmasters with simpler adding and configuration of advanced DNN maps with markers, categories, directions, Street View, store locator and integration with posts from the EasyDNN News module. This last one is also a business opportunity for starting a directory and interactive maps.  

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