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Fear of technology

As I was reading my usual subscriptions to media guides, I ran across a text about things you should confront with if you want to be successful in what you do. One of the things on that list, actually, the first thing on that list was the fear of unknown technology. If you think that the thing that's keeping you in succeeding in what you do is the disability to make your own webpage or to do any marketing related to your work online, that's where you're wrong. 

The importance of webpages for business communication

Nowadays, the art of communication is an inevitable part of each person's life. Every morning when you have a cup of coffee or tea with your family members, when you go to work and meet your colleagues, go to a supermarket, meet your friends, every, and I really mean every part of your life is filled with communication and it is up to you how will you present it. It is divided to verbal and non-verbal forms so you have to watch out and think about the ways of communication even if you are not using words, because you are still communicating – with your actions. 

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