
EasyDNN News 12.3

A versatile and very powerful DNN module that will allow you to publish of all kinds of post such as blogs, articles, events, real estates, product catalogs, and much more. AI can write articles, translate, and optimize SEO.

Compatible with DNN/Evoq 7.3x, 8.x, 9.x, including latest 9.13.3

EasyDNN News Version History

EasyDNN News is probably the DNN module with the largest version history. This is the best proof that we are constantly improving the module and adding new functionalities, but also keeping up with new versions of DNN.

EasyDNN News 12.3

  • [New] Ability to translate categories using AI.
  • [New] Ability to translate tags using AI.
  • [New] During translation of articles, the scheduler automatically translates tags, descriptions, and image descriptions added to the article if a translation does not exist.
  • [Improved] Enhanced use of the hreflang attribute.
  • [New] Creation of multiple image size versions (srcset) for images added to article text using tokens.
  • Other improvements and bug fixes..
  • Improved article manager
    • NEW - A multi-select option that allows you to select articles you want to translate with AI or improve their SEO.
    • NEW - translation status display where you can see which languages an article has been translated into.
    • NEW - SEO indicator – shows whether all necessary SEO elements have been added to an article.

EasyDNN News 12.1

EasyDNN News 12

  • Generate Articles with AI
  • Generate Images with AI
  • Improve SEO with AI
  • Translate Articles with AI
  • compatible with the latest version of DNN 9.13.3
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.9.4

  • NEW - Stripe payment provider that enables payment for paid event registration
  • compatible with the latest version of DNN 9.13.3
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.9.3

  • improvements and fixes in Advanced search
  • added option to open PDF documents in the browser
  • NewsDaily templates - six new styles added
  • compatible with the latest version of DNN 9.13.2
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.9

  • NEW: NewsEntertainment theme - Demo
  • NEW: NewsDaily theme - Demo
  • refinement of custom fields Advanced search
  • compatible with the latest version of DNN 9.12
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.8.5

  • NEW: AddShare social buttons integration - This integration replaces AddThis social sharing buttons with AddShare social sharing buttons. AddThis social share buttons are discontinued and no longer work. For the social share buttons to continue to work, it is necessary to upgrade the module, and the integration with the AddShare buttons will work immediately.
  • compatible with the latest version of DNN 9.11.2
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.8

  • Integration with ChatGPT & DALL·E (OpenAI) - generation of multilingual articles and images using AI
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.7

  • NEW: Zero Gravity Gallery
    • new thumbnail/lightbox gallery for list and detail templates
    • the possibility to customize the gallery and add new display types
    • razor templates are used to manage the appearance
    • to use Zero Gravity Gallery in EasyDNN News, EasyDNN Gallery must be installed
  • NEW: 404 not found redirection for deleted articles and non-existent links
  • NEW: custom fields – the possibility of the custom fields that are visible only to admins
  • NEW: lazy loading of images
  • FIXES: date/time custom field, custom field search, workflow, permissions, duplicate articles, Twitter autoposting, Excell export and other other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.6

  • NEW: Related articles widget
    • added the possibility to display related articles in a widget that can be added to, for example, a sidebar using list templates
    • improved logic for related articles - possibility to display by categories without the condition of tags
  • NEW: Improved SEO of categories
    • added possibility to define title tag, category URL, meta description, meta keywords and robots meta tag by category
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.5

  • DNN 9.11 ready - fully compatible with DNN 9.11
  • upgrade of Google Maps functionality - possibility to add custom markers
  • upgrade of Google Maps functionality - the ability to define global settings for displaying the map in articles
  • improved integration with DNN Banners/Vendors module - possibility to add banners to the text of articles
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11.2

  • Google Maps - possibility to add custom markers
  • Cross-portal sharing - possibility to open articles on the parent portal
  • SEO - improvements in managing page titles
  • Twitter Autoposting - support for the new API
  • Custom fields and search improvements
  • Fixes in the API
  • Improvements in templates
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN News 11

  • added API that enables retrieving article list which makes the integration with mobile apps easier
  • added an option to exclude the featured articles from the view
  • improved the Facebook Instant Article template to enable the possibility of managing ads
  • improved SEO – added an option that enables adjusting of indexing by individual articles
  • improved the Advantage theme
  • improved the DNN search integration for localized articles when the content localization is used
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

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