
EasyDNN News 12.3

A versatile and very powerful DNN module that will allow you to publish of all kinds of post such as blogs, articles, events, real estates, product catalogs, and much more. AI can write articles, translate, and optimize SEO.

Compatible with DNN/Evoq 7.3x, 8.x, 9.x, including latest 9.13.3

EasyDNNnews Features

The list of all the features and functionalities of this DNN module is extensive. We have been developing and improving it for many years, and we also have a lot of plans for the future. The most important features of the EasyDNN News module are presented on this page.

Various Applications

Lots of our users consider EasyDNN News an advanced CMS for articles, blogs, events, and all kinds of posts. Thanks to custom fields, it is possible to adjust the type of data that is added to the article. But, here are also different displays and widgets with advanced displays, the possibility of filtering, sorting, and searching for posts. All of this opens up the possibility of different applications.



Composing, publishing, and managing articles are the basic functionalities of this module, and the module does them extremely well. The article editor simplifies lots of functionalities such as adding galleries, links, documents, and Google maps to articles. So articles can be easily published by non-technical personnel. As an important feature, let's also mention the possibility of publishing multilingual articles.



EasyDNN News is very often used as a blog module. This is no coincidence because EasyDNN News has all the features that you need to run a good and successful blog. Categories, authors, comments, multimedia-in-posts, social sharing buttons, and top SEO performance are just small pieces of the puzzle.



Organizing events is very important for many companies and organizations. EasyDNN News offers a complete solution for events. Among numerous functionalities, let's mention recurring events, multi-day events, registrations, adjustable registration form, free registration, paid events, integrated Google maps, invitations, reminders, notifications, attendees, seat management, discounts, taxes, displaying events in the list and calendar, and many more.



EasyDNN News is often used for different product catalogs. The regular posts can be extended with additional data that is added to custom fields. Thanks to gallery and document management, it is easy to add image galleries and documents to posts. Posts are added to categories, and the module enables advanced filtering and sorting. There is also a special catalog mode for displaying posts and categories.

News Magazine

News Magazine

The true strength of the EasyDNN News module is that it can be used for simple things such as publishing short news items on a website, up to very complex roles where it serves as the engine for news magazine websites. We have developed the Content block widget that is commonly used on news magazine websites. We’ve also developed DNN themes specialized for news sites (Press, NewsMagazine). These themes come with portal templates that you can import into your DNN and create a news magazine website in just a few minutes. Note: the DNN themes are sold separately.


Real Estate

EasyDNN News has all the functionality needed for building a real-estate website. The standard posts can be extended with custom fields, so you can have fields for e.g. price, square feet, year built and everything else that is common when advertising real estate. Of course, properties can be searched for and filtered by various criteria thanks to the advanced search. Let’s also mention the possibility of adding image galleries and Google maps to your listings, making EasyDNN News an excellent choice if you are building a real-estate website.


Documentation and user manuals

We use EasyDNN News to manage our Documentation website. The ease of creating posts and adding images and documents to them, as well as the ability to filter and search post is what makes EasyDNN News ideal for this role. Let’s also mention the Category tree widget where you can display a tree of categories and articles.

Other applications

Other applications

Numerous options and functionalities in EasyDNN News open up the possibility of using it for different purposes. Whenever you have entries that are similar to articles and posts, you can use this module. Thanks to custom fields, it is possible to extend data that are added to posts. The module also offers different displays and the great possibility of tailoring these displays to your needs. It is also possible to sort, filter, and search posts by different search criteria.

Make Your Editors Happy

Adding articles in the EasyDNN News module is quite simple. We’ve simplified some common actions required when publishing blogs. Thank to this simplicity, even non-technical users can publish well-formatted articles that contain images and video galleries, documents, links, Google Maps…

Put Webmasters in Control

with tons of options

Put Webmasters in Control

Granular permissions

Permissions for site visitors and authors. Set very precisely who can see which articles, who can add them, and where they can be added. Additionally, this includes who can perform other actions on articles.

Advanced settings

The module settings are well-organized and options are grouped into sections. This allows each instance of the module to use global settings through the site, and to customize only settings in a particular section.

Permissions per articles

If permissions per category aren't enough, you can set permissions for each individual article.

Filtering and sorting of posts

It is possible to adjust filtering and sorting articles according to different criteria for every module instance on the site.

Reusable content

Articles added to the module are available in any module instance, on any page. In the settings, adjust which articles you want to display.

Cross portal sharing

This feature enables the sharing of articles from one website (portal) to other websites on the same DNN installation without the need to add articles again.

Multiple instances

You can add an unlimited number of instances of the module to your website, each with its own settings, layout, and set of articles it displays.

Interface localization

The complete admin interface can be translated into any language.

Paid content

Paid content is a feature that enables you to display partial article content to users who are in a specific DNN role.

Multilanguage content

If you have multilingual websites, it is possible to add versions of texts in different languages. There are also additional options for adjusting the display of these articles.


Advanced workflow enables three ways of use: direct publishing, content staging, and content approval.

Complete Event Management Solution

Create Events

Events are added in the same way as articles, but you only need to enable additional options related to events.

Display Events

Events can be displayed in the standard article list, upcoming events list, or in the calendar.

Engage Atendees

Engage with attendees regarding the events you organize by sending them automated invitations and reminders.

Event management

In the event manager, you can manage registrations, manually add attendees, export the list to an Excel file, and more.


It is possible to add events that require registration. Numerous registration options are available.

Social Events

Unlike events where registration is required, with a social event, users state whether they plan to attend the event or not.

Choose Between Various Display Options

EasyDNN News offers a variety of ways to display articles. It can display literally everything, from a simple list of articles to very advanced views, such as those used by news magazine websites.

Article lists usually display an article title, summary, and thumbnail, with the option to read more when you click on an article in the list.
Article details are what you get when you click on read more in an article list. Article details usually contain the full article's text, images, documents, and more.
Masonry layout is a type of grid layout in which articles are placed in such an order as to make optimal use of vertical space.
Catalog mode is a specific display of an article list that also includes categories. A common application is the product catalog.
Magazine layout enables a different appearance of articles in the article list (image size, text, etc.) depending on its importance, date of publishing, or other related criteria.
Pagination options allows you to choose among different paginations in an article list, from a classic pagination to an infinite scroll.

And Advanced Display Options at Your Disposal

EasyDNN News brings solutions for different needs. In addition to standard article lists, there are also advanced views that you might need.

OnePage Blog is a display in which full articles are displayed in the list of articles without having to click on "Read more". Articles are loaded in their entirety one after another.
Content block Content blocks allow you to block articles and these blocks can be filtered by category. It is a feature often used by news magazine sites.
Tree view menu  menu shows a specific list of articles where categories and articles are displayed in the form of a tree.
Filter menu Filter menu allows you to filter articles in the list by multiple selected categories.



Styling is not a problem

Theme Picker

Theme picker

Theme picker is a visual theme and template viewer. It allows you to easily find a template that matches your need and quickly changes the look of an article list, article details, related articles, documents, comments and links. View video

10+ Themes

The module comes with more than ten out-of-the-box themes, so you will easily find a theme that fits the design of your website. The range of themes is from classic to very modern.

Various Templates

Layouts are achieved by using templates. The module comes with a variety of out-of-the-box templates from which you can easily find the one that suits you.


StyleWizard is a tool with which you can edit the style of the out-of-the-box themes. You can change colors, fonts, borders, and more without writing even a single line of code.

Create your own design

You can make your own design, so you aren't limited to using our out-of-the-box themes and templates. For this, you need a knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Simple HTML templates

Templates responsible for the layout of article lists and article details are HTML files with tokens from the EasyDNN News module. Templates are easy to understand and it's easy to create new ones.

Variety of tokens

EasyDNN News brings more than 300 tokens allowing you to create advanced HTML templates and layouts.

Create your own tokens

In addition to tokens that already exist in the module, it is possible to create your own tokens. Tokens can be created in the token editor.

Template editor

AThe HTML templates used by the module can be edited directly from the module interface. Templates are edited in the Template editor.



Efective ways to engage site visitors

EasyDNN News has all you need to keep your site visitors interested in your content, and to keep them on your website as long as possible.

Comments engage readers. Visitors love to read and leave comments. Three types of comments are supported: EasyDNN News native comments, Facebook comments and Disqus comments.
Social sharing buttons give customers the ability to share articles on social networks thanks to built-in social sharing buttons. Buttons can be removed from posts if you need to do so.
Article rating allows users to rate your articles. This is a great way to get feedback from readers.
Related articles  are links to related topics. Readers are usually interested in related articles or related topics. Using the EasyDNN News module, articles automatically become related if they share common tags.
Previous and Next article buttons simplify navigation between your articles. As a result, your visitors will see as many of your post as possible.
Article search allows users to find content that interests them. EasyDNN News has its own search module; it searches only articles, but not other content on the website.
DNN search integration searches all content on the website. Posts published in the EasyDNN News module are indexed by DNN search. This makes them searchable along with all the other content on a website.
Top articles are your most popular or important articles. Make your most popular articles easy to find. This feature makes it possible to display featured articles at the top of the list.
Most commented articles can be highlighted to further increase interest in them.

Drive traffic to your site

Your website will only be successful if you manage to bring traffic to it. EasyDNN News was developed with that in mind. EasyDNN News enables you to use the best practices for bringing traffic to your website.

Social Autoposting

Posts can be automatically published on social networks.

Social sharing icons

Social sharing icons encourage users to share your posts on social media.

OpenGraph Tags

The implementation of OpenGraph tags enables the sharing of the correct image and description when sharing posts on social media networks.

Twitter Cards

Twitter Cards is a markup that enables you to include images and videos from your posts to your tweets.

RSS feed

Enable sharing of your posts via RSS feed.

Digest emails

Send digest emails on daily, weekly, or monthly bases with the help of our EasyDNN MailChimp Plus module.

Beat Your Competitors with SEO

EasyDNN News has everything you need for great SEO. All the necessary options are here, without having to purchase additional plugins or modules, as is often the case with other CMSs.


The module adds the title of the post to the link, and EasyDNN News URL provider generates clear links without any parameters.


There are settings to customize the title tag, and you can manually customize it in each post.


Canonical URLs are a method of letting the search engines know which links have the same or similar content you prefer. Thus, it solves problems with duplicate content.

More Best SEO Practices

We have been developing EasyDNN News for almost a decade. As SEO has evolved, we have analyzed all of the changes and implemented them into our product. As a result, EasyDNN News is now one of the most complete products on the market when it comes to SEO.

Meta data

Add custom meta data to every post.

SEO CSS structure

The structure of our out-of-the-box EasyDNN News themes is easily adjusted for great SEO.

XML sitemap

To help search engines better index articles, the module generates an XML article sitemap for all articles.

Image Alt tags

To better describe images in articles, add Image Alt Tags to every image.

Responsive design

All of our out-of-the-box themes are responsive. A responsive design has a significant effect on SEO.

DNN Cache (performance)

Website speed is considered to be a significant factor for good SEO. EasyDNN News uses DNN cache extensively to optimize page loading.

Combine CSS/JS files

To make the loading of web pages as fast as possible, all CSS/JS files are combined into one.

Engaging multimedia

Time spent on web pages is one factor that affects SEO. To engage your site visitors and keep them on your web site as long as possible, add image and video galleries into your articles with our built-in gallery management.

Authors are important

Display author

In each article, it is possible to display a name and profile photo of the author.

Contact form

You can enable contacting authors via the contact form.

Change authors

You can select another user as the author at any time.

Authors menu

Similar to the category menu, the author menu enables you to filter articles by authors.

Author alias

You can use an author alias to display the name of an author who is not a registered user.

Filter articles by author

Articles can be filtered by authors.

Authors biography

Authors can have a short biography that is displayed at the bottom of their articles.

Groups of authors

Ability to add authors to groups or teams. The group of authors can be displayed in articles and author menu.


Get Super powersCUSTOM FIELDS

Custom Fields

The custom fields feature opens up completely new areas where you can use this module. The idea is very simple. Additional fields can be added to standard fields in posts. These fields are then displayed in posts, but it is also possible to filter and sort posts by custom fields. Some of most popular applications are real estate websites, product catalogs, and similar applications.



If you want to expand the form in the article editor with additional fields, you can do so by creating custom fields in the module, and then joining these custom fields to the form. The configuration options are extensive, so you can use the module for publishing blog posts where custom fields are not required, and also for product catalogs where custom fields are required.



The standard event registration form in the EasyDNN News module can be extended with custom fields. This allows you to customize the event registration form and get the information from users that you need.



There are different types of custom fields at your disposal, such as different textual fields, CheckBoxes, DropDown, RadioButtons, and CheckBoxes lists. There are also custom fields that support the uploading of different types of files.



Articles can be sorted by values in custom fields. For example, you can sort articles by the custom field price from the lowest to the highest value or vice versa.



Filtering articles by values in custom fields enables the display of only those posts which meet a certain criteria. For example, if you run a real estate site, it is possible to display only houses that have more than two and less than five rooms.



Create custom search criteria for articles in specific categories, articles published by a given author, articles published in some period of time, etc.



The custom field type money is intended for displaying of prices. If you have a multilingual website, you can display prices in local currencies. You can add exchange rates to calculate prices in local currencies.



Custom fields can be added to HTML templates by using tokens. There are tokens by which you can add the whole group of custom fields, but each custom field has its own token. Let’s also mention conditional tokens and expression tokens.



Import & Export articles

EasyDNN News allows you to export and import articles, allowing you to easily transfer articles from one site to another or simply make a backup copy of your articles. Categories, images, documents and other elements of the articles are also exported and imported.

Import from excel file

It is possible to import articles from an Excel file. If you use some other module and you want to replace it with EasyDNN News, you can first export articles from your current module to Excel, and then import them from Excel to EasyDNN News. An Excel example file can be found in the import interface of EasyDNN News.

RSS import

EasyDNN News can import articles from RSS feeds, and you can either import articles one time or on regularly set time intervals.

Import tools

Some of our users wanted to replace their previous modules or CMS’s with our EasyDNN News module, and utilized sponsored import tools for their migrations. Those import tools are now available to every user. EasyDNN News has import tools for the following CMS’s and modules: WordPress, Umbraco, Ventrian News Articles, DNN Blog, and Mandeeps Live Blog.

Built with performance in mind

Performance plays a significant role in the success of every website. Pages that load quickly lead to a better user experience, better SEO results and lower server load. EasyDNN News takes care of performance in several ways. Advanced DNN cache usage minimizes the number of queries to the SQL server. All JavaScript and CSS files are combined into one file using the Client resource manager in DNN. The webP image format is supported, improving the load time of images in articles. The main article image is generated in several sizes, and the module dynamically determines the size that is optimal for the visitor's screen size.

Built with performance in mind

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