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How can you live without Social Media Manager?

Nikolina Varga

We’ve talked a lot about blogging and the importance of having a webpage on which you can publish all your business related stuff, such as your products or all types of services you offer, but where do you find a person who will have enough knowledge and time to do these publications on daily basis? There’s where your social media marketer steps in.

One of the goals you want to achieve is to humanize your brand. Since your goal is to connect with other people, you have to be transparent, open and authentic in all your communication. And show that there are people behind your brand.

Who are you looking for?

Once you realized that you can’t live without a person that represents you as a brand, you have to be certain about the qualities you look for in a person. Because, let’s be honest, with all that time trying to run the business, trying to make everyone pleased, you really don’t have enough time to be completely devoted to your customers. So you are looking for a person with good communicational skills who has the ability to create professional relationships also is possible to contribute as a member of a functional team and can choose the adequate media to ensure communication with clients.

Since I’ve mentioned the importance of blogging a couple of times in my former blog posts, this is also something that a social media manager works on. About blogging, there are some skills that a social media manager must have to be successful in writing and to be independent in it. The good news is that there’s always an audience ready for new blog content.

5 skills your social media manager must have:

  • Knowledge of graphics production
  • An aptitude for writing
  • An ability to create professional relationships
  • A solid understanding of SEO and content management
  • Social advertising experience

Once you’ve found such a person, be sure that they will have answers to questions which will interest you the most regarding your customers and audience. So keep her or him close to you.

Since they’re the ones who are in touch with your clients they know:

1. How your audience “breaths”

Meaning, they know that they need to have a different approach to a group of teenagers who use your service or product or to some retired woman who is still searching to find a product that best suits her needs. They know what tone to use because they’re approaching each person with the same delicacy.

2. How people talk about your brand (and competitors)

Their everyday task is to follow and to be aware of what is happening in your niche. And this includes following what other people in your niche are doing. In that way, they are checking out what people are saying about your and, at the same time, about competitors brand.

3. What content your audience loves (and hates)

You know that people like to be heard, they are constantly sharing their opinions, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, love, anger... and there’s where the social media manager steps in. They see your audience's movements. They are the ones that talk to them individually and follow their requests and wishes.

4. What's next

My audience knows that everything is constantly changing and to be in touch with trends you have to read the news all the time.  Who better to figure out that than your social media managers since they are constantly searching to follow trends and news.

5. Who your biggest fans are

Fans - people who are thrilled because your product made their day better somewhere along the way and now they want to repay you with their full attention and time. Social media marketer definitely knows who those people are because of their constant engagement in your publications and by the emails they send you.

I get fascinated every day just by watching emails from a satisfied customer. You were there, you helped them with something that bothers them…what can be better than that?

The same way we are trying to be there for you guys. So if you have any doubts, any requests or any questions do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you in any way we can. Do what is essential for your business – start making your own website using the EasyDNNnews, EasyDNNgallery, EasyDNNrotator and EasyDNNmaps modules!