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8 simple steps to blogging

Nikolina Varga

Content marketing is an important and inevitable part of your business life. Now let’s transfer that thought to your personal life too. Because, if you're not a business owner, what better way to share your passion or point of view than using words? Sure, you can use pictures, but you will still need a place to express your feelings, thoughts, and expressions about it. What better way to inform people about a new product or new service than to show it to people and then share your own perspective on it? If you're just starting with blogging, it might sound impossible, but once you start, you'll see that it is not so terrifying. But you have to start at some point, right?

Let's go, step by step.

1. Identify your topic                    

First thing’s first. If you are a business owner, you don’t have to think hard about the topic of your blog. Or do you? Once you’ve presented all your products, services, then what? You will have to show in what way your brand is unique, create a list of facts that support your mission, and gradually create a relationship with your customers. Always consider your call-to-action. You have to think about the purpose of your CTA- is it for purchase only, for increasing social shares or downloading a white paper? Depending on it, think about the place of your CTA. It is often considered that CTA should be placed at the end of the blog to suggest people their next step. But it is not always the case. You should put clear and precise CTA when you feel that the reader is in the state of mind ready for action, it shouldn’t obligatory be at the end of the article. If you want to increase social shares, probably the best place for CTA is a place where you have included a quotable line.

Now we’ve taken into consideration what to do if you are a business owner. But if you aren’t a business owner and you still need to find a perfect topic for your blog, just think about what drives and excites you and I promise you that you will find your audience. You just have to start and follow the path of topic uniqueness.

2. Know your target market

As already mentioned, once you’ve completely dived into blogging, your next move will be to create a relationship with your customers. Always take into consideration your customers’ questions and try to be more credible than anyone else. Try to be there whenever a customer needs you and help them do something they love. Getting to know your audience is the best way to keep their loyalty.

3. Choose your domain, hosting, theme. Wisely.

What can I say about it that isn’t already transparent? Do you remember the text about the importance of web design? If not, here is a link to recall: It is your online business card. The way you present yourself and your business to the world.

EasyDNNsolutions offers you not only seven different professional themes, but also the possibility to choose one of them, customize it to make it unique for your needs with a help of StyleWizard. Use your imagination and know your goals and you can have the most beautiful website in the world.

Use the EasyDNNnews module for blogging, EasyDNNgallery for displaying images and EasyDNNrotator for displaying your galleries with images in different slideshows. Use the EasyDNNnews module for blogging, EasyDNNgallery for displaying images and EasyDNNrotator for displaying your galleries with images in different slideshows. To localize your business on a Google maps, the easiest way to do it is by using EasyDNNmaps. After all these and related to the previous point, we suggest making a list of your customers’ email addresses and taking EasyDNNmailChimp to inform them about all novelties and offers you currently have.

4. Establish your goals

This is the thing we mentioned when talking about CTA. You have to be precise in what you want to gain with your every action. If you want to sell something you will have a different approach than when you are in the state of mind when you want your customers to, for example, attend the webinar you are hosting.


6. Build a rapport with relevant content

Once you’ve started it is important to keep the consistency of your blogging habits. People will eventually become your audience. Some of them will get used to your perspective, your style, your words, and the truth is that some of them won’t. The goal is to keep people involved, interested and what better way to do so than to continue writing. Decide on which days will you write blog posts about the newest things, try to have a series of “how to” or maybe even tutorials and try to have a regular schedule. For example, do you know the feeling when you know that your postman delivers the catalog of your favorite store every Monday so you can see what discounts and sales will be available for you on Thursday?

This is the emotion that we want to trigger by regular posting. People will count upon hearing from you at some arranged time. Whether it is once a day, once a week or once a month, they will need a regular schedule to follow. 

7. Brand your business - Promote, promote, promote

So once you’ve started to do business, your first goal is to create a brand of it. The best way to succeed in it is to think about your brand as it was a person, and this person is on a mission of building a long-term relationship with your customers. Talk to your customers with a consistent tone of voice and be credible. Once you started to create the content that you will share on your own website, don’t stop there. Use the incredible world of social networks and promote your content every possible day. Then start tracking your progress to see on which fields are you the most successful, and on which you have work a little harder. Numbers will show you in what direction you should go to.

8. Never stop learning and teaching

You spend your whole life learning new things, and there are always people who want to learn something new, so why wouldn't you share your knowledge? Also, once you’ve stepped into the world of marketing, blogging and online … you have to be aware that things and factors connected to a successful online presence are changing faster than any other and you will have to invest time and effort to track them down. And what better and faster way to learn it than to mutually exchange knowledge.